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Advisors on Medical Stop Loss and Catastrophic Claimant Risk Management
It's a Risk. Not a Benefit.
Be Advised.

A specialty consultant and broker focused on medical stop loss and related risk management strategies.


We seek coverage solutions for self-funded employer benefit plans and other risk-bearing entities​. We partner directly with employers and plan sponsors, as well as other brokers and consultants.


Our in-depth knowledge of catastrophic medical claimants and their coverage solutions exceeds that of other benefit advisors - who only cover it occasionally.


We obtain the greatest value in protection from this unique risk, while your primary broker or consultant remains focused on the rest.




Aegis Risk was created to provide dedicated and knowledgeable focus on the aspects of an employee benefit program with a distinct orientation towards risk management - particularly medical stop loss. 


As a team, Aegis Risk provides the detailed, intelligent analysis self-funded employers expect, but in a creative, focused manner often missing from the large firm advisors.




Medical stop loss is a financial risk management tool solely for the plan sponsor's benefit. Its unique dynamics require a thoughtful approach. 


At Aegis Risk, stop loss is our focus - throughout the plan year. To help our clients and partners navigate its complexities, we provide a variety of related services, including brokerage, claims monitoring and filing, internal risk pool analyses and rate projections.

Premium Survey



Our annual Survey, in its eighteenth year, is the leading authority on market premium expense and coverage provisions.


Performed in conjunction with the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists. In 2024 it measured over 1,100,000 covered employees and slightly more than $1 billion in annual premium.


Respondents gain initial notification of results. Participate in 2025 and do as well!


© 2024. Aegis Risk LLC. All rights reserved.

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