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Medical Stop Loss Premium Survey - Submission

Submission for the 2024 Medical Stop Loss Premium Survey is now open. It is scheduled to close on Friday, July 5. 


The Survey is done in conjunction with the International Society of Certified Employee Benefits Specialists (ISCEBS). This is the Survey's 18th year. 


As the industry-recognized annual survey of stop loss premium expense, it effectively captures and reports premium rates across the range of specific stop loss deductibles. It further measures coverage provisions such as contract type and covered benefits and inquires on the consideration of other self-funded risk management strategies.


Only Survey respondents will receive results upon its initial release in August. Broader, public release occurs in September. 

Participate today at this link and ensure your early receipt.

Multiple submissions

For brokers, underwriters and others with multiple submissions, this multi-submission workbook is available for greater economy of response. Email to:

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