About Us - Who We Work With
Plan Sponsor, Broker, Consultant. All of the Above.
At Aegis Risk, our dedicated and knowledgeable focus on medical stop loss and health risk management provides us the insight and experience that a broad-based employee benefits consultant or insurance broker often lacks.
We are eager to leverage our capabilities to your advantage - whether you are a plan sponsor that seeks increased value and expertise or a broker or consultant who recognizes a potential gap. Organizations that we work with include:

Employers and Plan Sponsors
Self-funded medical plans seeking initial stop loss coverage or competitive renewal options.
Benefit managers, but also risk managers or finance directors. We are able to dialogue with each one accordingly.
Plan sponsors with an in-force consultant or broker, but seeking more aggressive or creative insights on stop loss and related risk management strategies. We’re specialists. Leave the rest to them.
Highly autonomous benefit directors who seek focused assistance on their stop loss coverage. We can efficiently help on this specific area alone.
Plan sponsors seeking more creative solutions, including internal risk pool arrangements or high deductible offerings with interim risk-sharing corridors.

Brokers and Consultantsr title
Employee benefits consultants and brokers with limited knowledge of self-insurance and stop loss. A partnership with Aegis Risk provides instant bench-strength and the demonstrated expertise to maintain your growing accounts or obtain new ones.
Property and casualty brokers with no benefits presence. Although benefits may not be a pursuit, stop loss is often handled by your contacts in risk management or finance. A partnership with Aegis Risk allows you to pursue that coverage and enhance your existing relationship or perhaps begin a new one.
Experienced benefits consultants and brokers with limited stop loss coverage options. Our experience and relationships can deliver higher value coverage options, or provide a solution to an unusual risk or one with difficult underwriting requirements.

Who We've Worked With - A Sampling...

Third Partiesanother title
Third-Party Administrators, including health plans or pharmacy benefit managers, who are seeking creative or exclusive stop loss distribution channels to enhance your service offerings.
Aside from typical medical stop loss coverage, specialty focus on certain coverage (e.g. pharmacy) or industry groups can also be explored.
Strategy consultants, investment bankers or venture capital funds with benefit management needs. Either as an introduction to your client, as a technical resource in your analysis, or as a leveraged resource, we would be happy to further discuss.